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Universal Proutist Students Federation

Denver Region Pracar News

We are very grateful to have Dada Vimaleshnanda visit the Denver region from April 26th to 29th. Dada, with his inspiring talk and joyful kiirtan, has brought Baba’s sweet presence to us in this early sunny spring season. Some margis organized workshops and radio talk for Dada to do pracar work here. Although the attendance rate was not as expected, many old and new margis were highly inspired by Dada’s kiirtan and talk.

Vegetarian Dinner Organized by Richland Yoga Club, Dallas

Vegetarian dinner a hit for everyone
By Acarya Shubhacetanananda Avadhta
Most Americans may not know that throughout history many wise and knowledgeable people have adopted a vegetarian diet. The Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, The Greek mathematician Pythagoras, The Dalai Lama of Tibet, Albert Einstein, and other famous people were vegetarians.

PROUT vs. Capitalism

The Downfall of Capitalism in physical stratum by Dr. Aditya Kumar Mohanty
Capitalism is a system of economy in which the means of production remain the hands of individual or a privileged few, with profit as the sole motto. It is based on Laissez-faire (principle of economic non-interference)
Capitalism grows from the psychology of accumulation, psychology of self-appropriation. It is due to the propensity to accumulate accounts for the existence and growth of capitalistic institutions and practices.

What is PROUT?

PROUT (the PROgressive Utilization Theory) is a developed socio-economic paradigm proposed by the Indian philosopher Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar in 1959. It is a positive alternative to the excessive material inequalities of capitalism and the forced artificial equality of communism.

The goal of economic activity is seen as the liberation of human energy from mundane problems and survival concerns, and its expansion into cultural, intellectual, artistic and spiritual pursuits.

Vegetarian Dinner at Richland College

On behalf of the Richland Yoga Club, I'd like to invite you to the Club's Spring Vegetarian DinnerParty:
Day: Thursday, April 24
Time: 5:00 to 6:00 pm (Location: E076 El passo Hall by the Richland cafeteria)
Type of food: Vegetarian food (Asian Indian/Chinese etc.)
All the food will be vegetarian with no onions/garlic/mushroom/caffeine but some may containdairy products, nuts or gluten. We try not to make it hot and spicy to satisfy everyone's taste. It's notprofessionally prepared but hope you would like itanyway.

Vegetarian Dinner at Brookhaven College Dallas

BHC monday 4/21/08 13:45
On behalf of the Brookhaven Yoga Club, I'd like to invite you to the Club's Spring Vegetarian Dinner Party:
Day: Thursday, April 24
Time: 3:30 to 4:30 pm (Please be on time - the room must be vacated at 5:00 pm)
Location: S220 Dining room (by the Brookhaven cafeteria)
Type of food: Vegetarian food (Asian Indian/Chinese etc.)

Environmental awareness news published in the newspaper

Yoga guru’s 32-year world tour to promote environmental awareness
Teneshia Naidoo Published:Apr 20, 2008

A leading spiritual teacher is in South Africa as part of a 32-year global tour to promote environmental awareness.
