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Posts published in December 2007

Vegetarian Dinner at Richland College

A Vegetarian Dinner took place at Richland College, Dallas on Dec. 12. Richland College Yoga Club organized the event. There were 40 students including Professors, Service Learnining Coordinators, and other Faculty Staffs attended the dinner. Food was cooked by Local Proutists sister Vandana, Jinanesh (Glen Sovian), Vishvatman, Dada Advayananda, and Dada Shubhacetanananda. Jinanesh gave introductory speech about the Vegetarian Dinner and gave thanks to all for joining it. People were very inspired to taste vegettarian food. This was the largest gathering for the vegetarian dinner.

Vegetarian Dinner by Richland College Yoga Club

RLC 12/7/07 11:46 am.

On behalf of the Richland Yoga Club, I'd like to invite you to the Club's Vegetarian Dinner Party:

Day: Wednesday, Dec. 12
Time: 4:30 to 6:00 pm.
Location: El Paso E-076 (near the Richland cafeteria)
Type of food: Vegetarian food (Asian Indian/Chinese).

All the food will be vegetarian with no onions/garlic/mushroom/caffeine but some may contain dairy products, nuts or gluten. We try not to make it hot and spicy to satisfy everyone's taste. It's not professionally prepared but hope you would like it anyway.

PROUT news from Boulder, Colorado

Under the leadership of senior Margii Suprabhata, the Boulder PROUT Study Group was created during the last Denver Regional Retreat. Its purpose is not to only draw margiis nearer to this fundamental part of P. R. Sarkar's philosophy, devised for the improvement of our human society, but also, since it is an open group that welcomes everybody, to spread the word among all kinds of activists and progressive thinkers in the Denver-Boulder area.
